Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The people of Cuba deserve freedom

The Cuban people are rising up against the Communist dictatorship that has ruled them for more than half a century.

The Cuban regime is already deploying its vast security forces to suppress the protestors. But as we saw in the Soviet Union, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and countless other Communist nightmares, there comes a time when people simply cannot tolerate the humiliation and oppression of Communism anymore—a time when they’ll risk everything, including their own lives, for liberty.

Communists everywhere come to power promising equality, justice, and social progress. But inevitably, their corruption and economic policies are so disastrous that they can only keep power by creating a massive police state. They constantly spy on the people they’re supposedly serving; secret police squads ruthlessly suppress every element of personal freedom; and society is subject to an all-encompassing propaganda and indoctrination campaign that touts the regime’s success in the face of every conceivable shred of evidence.

Let’s hope the current attacks on the Cuban people will prove to be the last gasp of a depraved, dying regime. The long-suffering people of Cuba deserve their freedom.